Advance Project Financial Modelling ( Project based)

2 days’ workshop


If you want to turnaround the companies, strengthen your financial planning and project evaluation skills, this course is for you. Using case studies and excel spreadsheet, you will have amazed how problem could easily be analyzed and solved by financial modeling techniques. 

COURSE OBJECTIVES                                                                                                                                   
By the end of this course you will be able to:

  1. Use your company financial statements to identify areas for improvement including assets management, cost reduction technique, sales and collection skill. 

  2. Understand how much funding is needed to grow your business 

  3. Consider taxation, working capital, shareholder expectations, prices & quantity changes in investment decision making processes

  4. Assess amount of Working Capital Requirement to hit your annual budget

  5. Practical application and managing P&L & Cash flow Target 

  6. Formulation of Business Turnaround Strategies using financial statement 

  7. Consider the strategy & risk involved in Foreign Acquisitions or investment abroad

Case Study & Group Discussion. Real-current financial & business cases will be analyzed and scenario solutions will be discussed within the workshop.


Entrepreneurs, Bankers, Accountants, CFO, CEO, Business Managers, Marketing Managers, Supervisors, and Managers

Special Feature: NOTE: Please bring laptop along



Module 1: Working Capital Requirement 

  • Review annual budget

  • Review annual cost

  • Consider Conversion cost

  • Consider owing from customers 

  • Consider owing to Supplier 

Module 2: Managing P&L & Cash flow Target

  • Identifying all financial transactions

  • Performing accounting & reporting

  • Using goal seek to increase profit & cash flow target

Module 3: Review of Financial performance (Case Study)


  • Analysis of Cash Flow position

  • Prepare forecast Statement of Comprehensive Income and Statement of and Financial Position 

  • Understanding financial performance & gearing level

Module 4: Formulation of Business Turnaround Strategies (Case Study) 


  • Asset conversion

  • Fees & Collection 

  • Spreading costs 

  • Manpower review 

  • Stock management

  • Product market study  

  • Purchasing policy

  • Sales  

Day 2

Module 5: Project Investment (For Construction & Engineering Sector) 


  • Opportunity cost 

  • Funding options (debt and equity ratio)

  • Calculate return on investment (ROI),

  • Calculate net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), and payback period

  • Recommendation to proceed or reject based on financial & non-financial considerations

Module 6: Foreign Acquisitions / Investments Abroad 

  • Identify your investment choice

  • Assess your capex requirement

  • Define your assumptions for sales, cost of sales, working capital requirement, cost of capital (WACC), 

  • Built in stress test (what if revenue down or cost increase ) to assess business viability (eg ROI, free cash flow) 

  • Factor in withholding tax consideration for cross border transactions

Module 7: Risk Modelling Skills (Exercises)

  • Analyzing the potential risks facing an organization 

  • Mitigating controls 

  • Weight the financial impact 

  • Cost/benefit decision analysis

  • Risk Model software

Module 8: Summary & Applications

Final Accounts, Analysis & Control